Friday, December 23, 2005

Xmas 2005

Dec 23, 2005

Season's Greetings

Please go to our picture web site log-in: and password: trink. There are two Xmas pics of our trip to Nicaragua early in the month that we would like to share with you. If you can, imagine Feliz Navidad being played in the background and listen to the sound of fireworks being set off for the feast of the Immaculate Conception.

As we head into Xmas, we are adjusting to Xmas in the Tropics. After so many years in the Northeast with snow, it is strange to have warm weather with Xmas lights and decorations. We have an artificial tree—the first time our Xmas tree is not real. We do not know what we will do for Xmas or New Years. We will likely go to the Red Lion, a new English pub in Nosara, since the two times we were there we enjoyed meeting people and they have decent beers: Duval, Leffe, Hogartan, and Guiness Draught.

My best news is that I have found a wireless café in Nosara. Thanks to Buck Shaw, I have a lap-top computer set up for wireless. There is a place near the ocean which has wireless connection and they allow public access. It is great to sit and use the Internet, and not feel rushed because of high fees

We are just back from San Jose. Joe needed a medical procedure (which went well) and we were able to get our drivers licenses. We were referred to a taxi driver to take us on errands—this worked very well. He stood in line with us to get our licenses which involved seeing a MD for a physical and then standing in several lines to pay fees and verify signatures. It would have been hard for us to figure it all out ourselves. He also took us to an Argentinean steak house and to a store which sells imported German food and beer.

We had one of those car repair adventures on our way to San Jose soon after we left Nosara. As we were driving along, we heard this klunking sound. We got out of the car and looked under it and there was this pipe like thing hanging off the frame hitting the ground. Joe figured out how to tie it to the frame and since it was Sunday and unlikely to find a mechanic we decided we should go home and get our other car. Every several miles, the tie would break and I had to get under the car and retie it. It turned out to be a shock absorber and we are having it fixed but this is an example of the kinds of things we have to deal with here that would not be an issue in the states. It also makes me wish I know more about cars.

We are aiming for the guest houses and the pool to be ready in early January and the pub soon after. We want to have our opening party before I leave so the opening will also be a mini-goodbye party for me. I start my travel nurse assignment Feb 13th. I will probable need to get in to California around the 8th or 9th to take care of getting my California nursing license and getting settled. I am looking at fares and arrangements now.

I am looking forward to going back to work and to certain aspects of being in the states—i.e. conducting business in English. The next month we will be busy getting the final details of the construction going. And we look forward to having guests. Our new British friends whom, we met in Nicaragua are coming this week, Len is coming Jan 13th, and Claudia is seriously looking at fares. Anyone who comes, we will try our best to see that you have a good time, though all you really have to do is hang out on our terrace and just BE. The monkeys have been coming around a lot at sunset howling to each other, the winds are picking up, it is dry, temperature in the high 80’s, and the roads are great. Pura Vida!! Write back when you can. Love Helena and Joe


Jonathan said...

Joe and Helena...
Merry Christmas from Jon & Syl...
we sure will miss you come New Years Eve... hell, we miss you anyway.
Best regards for 2006.

Reverb Joe said...
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Reverb Joe said...

Hi Joe and Helena,
hope you folks have a Merry Christmas and a great New Year in paradise!

Joe and Kathy